Peak Lenin is considered one of the highest peaks with an accessible route. Travelers can explore Peak Lenin in detail on the tour with cars rent Kyrgyzstan service. One of the most important facts that travelers should know is that the height of Peak Lenin is 7134 m; it is located in the Osh region on the border with Tajikistan. During the tour, guests can fully realize the idea of visiting the territory of the mountain, but it is worth considering the fact that the peak is not always visible because of the clouds. We always inform our guests that the weather at high altitudes can be unstable.
If we pay attention to the history of Peak Lenin, we can note that the mountain was explored and discovered by the researcher A.P. Fedchanko when he was here in 1871. After his discovery, the researcher named the peak as Kaufman Peak in honor of the governor and Soviet leader. From the initial stage of the history of Peak Lenin, it is known that the first expedition took place in 1929, but the participants did not manage to reach their destination. In addition, during the tour with cars rent Kyrgyzstan service, you will also learn that the Soviet Red Army, which managed to achieve the goal, repeated the vault after the first expedition and even erect a monument to Lenin. Then the 301st expedition made a jubilee vaulting in 1967 and found out that there are more than 16 routes.
When traveling with Kyrgyzstan cars rent service, travelers need to understand the very first thing that the weather on the peaks is completely unpredictable and changeable, which indicates a risk. Therefore, before you go on a mountain tour, find out all the secrets of climbing, or rather be surrounded by specialists. In the history of Peak Lenin, tragic ascents are noted, for example in 1974, when a team of women was hit by a storm, then in 1991 a team of 44 people died due to an earthquake.